Monday, December 15, 2008

Gulp . . . I hope I don't regret it . . .

I just submitted a proposal for a reading conference in April. This conference is held each spring at the college that I graduated from. The man that talked me into getting a master's degree in reading is now running the doctoral program at this college. This is the college that I would love to go back to and attend the doctoral program. I actually enjoy going to school and attending class. I'm a nerd like that.

I think the proposal I typed up sounds good but what will they think?? I usually don't care too much about what people think but these are people that I admire for their education and impact on the reading community. My former professor is a past president of the International Reading Association. He's well known far and wide.

I haven't done anything with the college for the last several years because of my commitment to my school and kids. Lots of activities that the college does are at night or on the weekends. I tutor two to three days a week after school and on LOTS of Saturdays. I have been away from the academic side of my life for several years and lately I really find myself missing it.

One of the consultants that I work with through my school is currently working on her dissertation at the college so I love to talk school with her.

Maybe I'm finally ready to jump back into the world of academia.

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