Sunday, December 28, 2008

Profoundly Seth

So, it's Christmas break for me and instead of cleaning and organizing my house the way I should be, I've been spending some extra time on the computer. I know, you are shocked at this revelation of mine!

Anyway, I recently found a blog called Profoundly Seth. I found it through the Not Me! Monday blog post on MckMomma's blog (click on the black and white picture on the right of the screen to see that blog).

The blog tells the story of Seth who is profoundly deaf. His mom writes about her life with him and his brother and sister. Seth is a candidate for a cochlear implant.

I have been interested in implants since hearing about them on ER (Ok, Ok, I know TV shows are not good medical sources, anyway) and reading about a micro-preemie twin who has an implant on a different blog.

Also, I'm nosy and reading other peoples' blogs allows me a glimpse into their lives okay??

Anyway, check out Profoundly Seth! She's currently hosting a give away to celebrate her site receiving 10,000 hits!

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